How to deal with insect bites

Step one: the bite!

As soon as you realise you’ve been bitten run straight for the Soothing Salve.


You want to STOP that initial itch as soon as possible OR even before it starts.


* This bite is not a mozzie bite. It started off as a red lump the size of 20c, and hurt to begin with. Later it started itching yet was too sore to itch.

Step two: the itch!

If you really MUST itch, here are a couple of tips to try:


a) Use a nail to stab a + pattern into the bite.  Don’t press too hard, firm enough to feel a sting and take your mind off the itch.  If it’s still itching and driving you nuts….


b) Use a wide tooth comb or hair brush to scratch the itch.  The comb is blunt and spaced out enough to scratch without causing too much damage.  Don’t press too hard.


* itching releases feel good hormones which is why it feels so satisfactory, though try NOT to make yourself bleed.

Step three: the salve ... ahhhh

Apply Soothing Salve.


You only need a little bit.  This small amount is enough to sooth this small area.

Step four: the soothed!

Wait just a few minutes and you’ll notice the urge to itch went away.


Pic: you can see how the dryness has disappeared and the area looks less irritated.


It IS less irritated!


The bite may itch again later.  Reapply the salve and you’ll notice it only bothers you twice, then once a  day, then not at all.  It really doesn’t take long.

Purchase Soothing Salve & receive a FREE Bath Salts Serenity with your order.


Offer ends 29 Feb 2020


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